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The project leader

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Located in Claye-Souilly in Seine-et-Marne, 30 km from Paris, the Center de la Gabrielle and the Ateliers du Parc de Claye are made up of 12 private non-profit medico-social establishments and services.

Today, 300 professionals support 500 children, adolescents and adults with mental disabilities.

In the field of social innovation and the context of digital inclusion for people with mental disabilities, the La Claye Digitale project was launched in January 2020 and opened up to the general population of the territory .


Located in the main shopping street of Claye-Souilly at 76 rue Jean Jaurès, the Claye Digitale has:

  • 1 computer room with fixed PCs;

  • 1 computer room in Mobile Class with interactive screen;

  • 1 robotics and electronics area;

  • 1 space for 3D printing, vinyl cutting and photo/video editing;

  • 1 video editing reception area with sofa and armchairs;

  • 1 private office.

Thanks to our public-private partnership with the city of Claye-Souilly, we provide digital support in conjunction with the CCAS.


Member of the numixs ecosystem supported by the Roissy Pays de France conurbation, we participate in the territorial dynamics of third places.

The partners

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The team

Jean-Raphaël Loire
Jean-Raphael Loire
Director of the Autonomy, Employment and Training division
Samuel Chardon
Project manager in digital inclusion and communication
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Katelle Poissonnet
Directrice adjointe du département ESS (ESAT-Entreprise adaptée)
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Xavier Moreau
Digital mediator-trainer
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